Selling Your Ideas
“It is useless to be an original, creative thinker unless you can sell what you create.”
– David Ogilvey
This article is for those who have decided they need a sales strategy. It’s an overwhelming idea with an overwhelming number of components for those who are tackling it for the first time. What we think is phenomenal about your decision though, is that you’re already leaps and bounds beyond your competition that is still stuck inventing ideas that do not sell, or sell poorly. Don’t get us wrong, we are huge proponents of having big ideas and bringing them to the forefront of your organization. But selling your idea, your company, or your product or service is an entirely new adventure.
If you’re ready to build a sales strategy you’ve already won half the battle. The second half is picking and designing each component such as social selling, outbound, and inbound strategies, direct marketing campaigns, email newsletters, and more. What many entrepreneurs may not know is that you do not need to implement every strategy at one time. Your sales strategy can be adaptable, meaning you can start with social selling and an email campaign, and add outbound strategies at a later date. This will take a significant load off your shoulders at the beginning, allowing you to focus on 1-3 items, instead of ten or more.
To get you started, a great first step is to outline when you may want to implement each strategy. For example:
- January-February: Implement social selling and email campaign
- March-April: Observe and report on social selling and email campaign success and improve where needed
- May-June: Implement video marketing and/or ebooks as part of your inbound strategy
- July-August: Observe all strategies implemented so far and improve where needed
- September-October: Implement the outbound sales strategy (sales presentation scheduling)
- November: Observe and report on outbound sales strategy success and improve where needed
- December: Implement a direct mail campaign targeting a specific area that highlights sales and discounts for the holiday season
Whether you’re implementing a sales strategy for the first time or the tenth time, outlining your plan and incorporating each new strategy over time takes the weight off your shoulders for the first several months. You may want to tweak the timeline above to fit your needs and add/subtract components you think you may or may not need. Whatever you choose to add/subtract, establishing a plan for the year will help you to stay on track, and prepare for what strategies you’d like to implement down the road.
If you’d like to simply discuss your prospective sales strategy with someone, let us know, and one of our Guides will give you a call. If you’d like to leave a comment, or piece of advice, or if you want to share an idea related to this post, drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!